Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I am in a rut! Dang Grandma's Christmas chocolates and slush! So today is my Healthy Lifestyles update and I have to say that I haven't lost anything, I'm the same. But it's been two weeks since the last time I updated so it's frustrating because in 2 weeks I would have hoped to lose at least 3-4 pounds. It's my own fault for not sticking to the guidelines I set for myself.

But ya know what?! I didn't gain right? And I can pick right back up and get back to the guidelines I set. Ok, you helped me out blog...Guess what?! I hadn't been eating sugar and over Christmas I ate my grandma's delectable homemade chocolates and slush (mixture of fruit juices frozen and then Sprite is poured over it...only at Christmas) and I ended up getting acne worse than a teenage prepubescent boy who eats cheetos and ding dongs! I guess it goes to show the less sugar is better for me! Now if I can just get rid of these nasty markings on my face, it's almost as if I need a good detox!

P.S. My sister and I are going off of DIET COKE starting January 1st! But it gets better, we have a huge competitive side between the two of us so we're going to see who lasts the longest or breaks the soonest! I have a feeling she breaks...she always does LOL!


Chelsea said...

Good for you! You can always get back on track! And good about the Diet Coke. That will help you lose like 20 pounds in itself! That stuff is so bad for you! :) Keep up the good work!

Becky said...

You can do it! My face is crazy right now too.. what am i, twelve???

Good luck with the diet coke. That is one part of my 'lifestyle change' that I left alone. I need my diet coke!!! I just drink more water (most of the time lol)

Ruthanne said...

That is awesome that you maintained over Christmas, that is very hard to do. No diet coke?! That would kill me...I should really quit too!

cris all out of my life said...

yeah it is important to set a goal for this year, good for you..it's quiet hard to deprived ourself to something we want but determination is there to help us get through of it!