Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dear Blog World...Where Are They?!

Dear Blog World:                                                       

I just got back from my Singles Ward Christmas Party.  Let me just say, it was painful!  Trying to hold a conversation with others was like pulling teeth, and I know what it is like to pull teeth because I used to do it dangit! I was a dental assistant!  Out here in single's world is no fun!  What happened to going on dates, real dates?  What happened to good natured fun?  What happened to courtship, oh courtship, where art thou?!

I would really like to meet someone from the male species who thinks education is just as important as I do.  It would be great if he could be well rounded as well and know how to read and's not too much to ask right?  But seriously, an interest in traveling, reading, or learning would be nice.  I went to school to help support my future family and also to set a good example for my children but at the same time, coming from a traditional LDS point of view, isn't that partly the Priesthood holder's responsibility?  So where are these priesthood holder's who have goals, are close to or have an education, and value a traditional LDS relationship?  Blog World, Where Are They?!

P.S. Can he be yummy looking like the guy in the picture?


Kari said...

ummm you wrote blog holder's. eek. :)

Kari said...

SH*T. I meant priesthood holder's. haha