Monday, December 14, 2009

Healthy Lifestyle Dr. Visit

Early, early, early (I am not a morning person!) this morning I had my monthly check up with my Doctor.  He is monitoring my weight loss and helping me find the balance I need (since I have a medical condition).  My blood pressure was such a huge difference compared to a month ago and when he saw how much I lost he was so excited.  It was so funny that my Dr. was excited for me!  But, he said that I shouldn't try and lose more than I did in future months (on average) because that is when people start gaining it back.  For me, like the title says, this is a "lifestyle" change and so I can't risk gaining it back.  He said I should try eating about 1400-1600 calories a day instead of my restricting 1200 calories a day, whew thank you!  I am hoping that within the next couple weeks I start seeing a physical difference in myself but IT IS A GREAT START!


Coleen Ure said...

Hi Dani! I stumbled across your blog again after not seeing it for a long time. Good luck on your journey, I love how you call it a lifestyle change, not a diet. It's much more lasting and healthy. My dad has diabetes and I have been attempting to learn about what he can and can't eat. I've discovered it's pretty much what we all should be eating anyways. I ordered one of my moms diabetes cookbooks because the food looked so healthy and delicious. I would highly recommend it! It's called Prevention's Diabetes Diet Cookbook. Keep it up! You are and have always been beautiful, inside and out.

Jonathan and Kiri said...

Congratulations Danielle! That is SO awesome. Way to stick with it!

Original Kos said...

Danielle, this is so amazing. I admire your determination so much!