Monday, December 7, 2009

New Set of Numbers and My Humble Christmas

It is that time of the week, a posting of my numbers in my Healthy Lifestyles goal.  I accidentally skipped last week, it was quite busy at work!  So this is a combination of both last week and this week, including the dreaded Thanksgiving!  But I also put up some meager Christmas decorations, I wasn't going to put any up but my sweet Gma Ruby let me borrow a tree to decorate and I pulled out my wreath and lights.  So first off,

Week 3 Healthy Lifestyle:
-15 lbs total
        *-9 first week
        *-7 second and third week (combined)
-2 inches off chest
-1.5 inches off rib cage
-3 inches off of hips!

I have now entered a new set of double digits.  Right now my realistic goal is to lose 10% of my weight, no time schedule, just to lose it.  Then once I reach that goal, I will set a new one.  There is no race, I want to do this right and I think time is on my side when it comes to the battle I am in.

Here are some fun pics of my decorating too!  Thanks Gma Ruby:)


Becky said...

Damn, that's awesome! Way to go!!! I felt SUCH an improvement when I finally lost 10%.. another 10 pounds and I'll get to 20%. Some day, some day. I'm so proud of you though! Seriously!!

Cute tree too. :o)

Teandra said...

That's awesome! I'm impressed. Keep it up!

Amanda J said...

That is so awesome! And you are losing weight over the holidays too! That's amazing!

Kristin Morris said...

Way to go Dan! So proud of you!

melissa said...

WOOOOOOOOHOOOOO!!! your doing fantastic danielle!! keep it up!!! you have so many people supporting you and i know you can do it!