Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Great Start, Even Better Motivation!

Here are the stats for WEEK 1 LIFESTYLE CHANGE:

-9 lbs.
-1 inch off my chest (I have to pick and choose my battles for this one!)
-1 inch off my waist
-1 inch off my hips

I figure that if I want to lose weight than I also need to come to terms with a smaller bosom.  Heck, I'm sure I'll get it back when I have kids!

The major changes I made this week were:
  • Cut sugar out of my diet (this doesn't include Diet Coke, hence the "diet")
  • Only eat whole grain foods (pasta, rice, bread, etc.)
  • Cut my Diet Coke consumption in half:) (1 can a day!, yeah that's right)
  • Walks with Delila
  • Add more vegetables into my diet
  • Only cook or assemble meals, my self
  • No processed, additives, etc's
  • No high fructose corn syrup
  • 1200 calories a day
Some of these were suggestions from my Doctor to better control my specific health issues.  I have seen a difference in how my body operates and rejuvenates already in a week.  This is just the start of the journey and I will take it one step at a time as long as I get there healthy and happy.


Amanda J said...

That's AWESOME!! Keep it up!

Kristin Morris said...

Way to go!!!

Andrea said...

That's awesome Danielle! As for the bosom, you'll get it all back and more when you have kids! I have tripled in size since before I was pregnant! Now i just pray I'll go back to my regular size!

melissa said...

THATS FANTASTIC!!!! 9 lbs is incredible!! your doing great!! if you need any help, or even some basic recipes, or even some motivation-email/call me at anytime!!! a lot of people will be motivated from this....ummm, i already am. promise it makes me want to do better! keep it up!!