Sunday, November 22, 2009

Here We Go

Before I post this weeks results from my 1st Week LIFESTYLE Change.  I just want to put a disclaimer:
    "As a result of the amount of poundage I need to lose, the amount will be the greatest in the beginning.  It is not realistic nor healthy to lose this amount every week and especially, if one is within their BMI range.  Alas, I am not within my BMI and I am being monitored by a Doctor during this "coming to Jesus" (that is what my mom would call it!).  All precautions are being taken and the "subject" (lol that's me) has not been harmed during any of this."
Now, tomorrow night I will post the official results of Week 1! Please be as excited as I am!!! (See I used 3 exclamation marks to show how EXCITED I am to share these results!)

P.S. If there is any negativity, well then, SHOVE IT! Let us fat girls be happy!

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