Monday, January 4, 2010

Great Website for Weight Prevention

My sister sent me a great link to a website that talks about a New Year, New You.  It is daily tips on weight prevention that are realistic and common sense.

New Year, New You


melissa said...

oo, i want to check it out! and also, everyone gets in a rut i promise you. the best advice i can give you....get over it, and move on.

i can't tell you how many hours i have waisted beating myself up, on which i wish i would have just started over the next day and forgotten about it. our body is extremely forgiving. if you treat it right, it will love you back.

but i really mean this, your doing incredible danielle! i read your blog every time you update, it motivates me! keep it up:) i want to feature you on my diabetic blog

Teandra said...

Thanks for the link!