Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Story

I was 19 years old and living away from my parents for the first time in my life. I had a great job as a dental assistant, was going to college full time, and had my first car. I bought the car myself after saving up from working 50+ hours a week as a dental assistant. I was an active college student, taking dance classes, going to the gym with my girlfriends, going to dances and parties every weekend. I lived with my best friends and truly loved life. It all changed so quickly.

I was on my way to work when my life was altered so drastically. I remember that day; I was wearing my hot pink scrubs and white lab coat. My phone was in my scrubs pocket. I had pink eye shadow on to match my cute scrubs and I felt pretty bubbly that day. As I was turning at a green arrow, everything went black. I woke up not being able to breathe and smoke in front of me, I was gasping to breathe but air wouldn’t enter my lungs. There was a woman standing at my door trying to pull it open and speaking to me, I couldn't hear her.

The next moment I saw an angel holding my hand, telling me it is okay to cry. She had beautiful blonde hair and light was surrounding her hair, it was my sister. She was running with the stretcher as I was wheeled into the ER. I don’t remember my parents getting to the hospital. My heart was beating so fast I thought it would jump out of my chest. It was so quiet. I felt a heaviness on my head and I opened my eyes to see my Dad and Uncle over me, they had laid their hands on my head and pleaded with the Lord to save my life. A nurse was holding all the tubes so they wouldn’t be pulled out and so that they could get as close to me as possible. I cried for the first time. Warmth spread over me and I knew I would be okay. I don’t remember much after that, or for the next 3-4 months for that matter. I suffered a broken hand, internal swelling, bruised ribs, sprained neck, a traumatic brain injury, and permanent spinal damage. The worst though, was I lost my short term memory. I didn’t, and still don’t, remember the accident. All I have are pieces from witnesses and from the paramedics and cops on the scene. The quickness of the paramedics was a blessing. The gift of the Priesthood saved me. I thank my father for being worthy to hold this great gift.

I endured 9 months of physical therapy, chiropractics, and 6 months of speech therapy to gain my memory back and to learn to form complete sentences again. A year later, I found out that I needed surgery on my wrist. When the explorative surgery was over I found out that I had torn ligaments and broken bones that hadn’t been seen in the initial x-rays that fateful day. My back doctor, a spinal specialist in Salt Lake City, says that more than likely I will need back surgery by the time I am 40 years old.

At the time, I had never felt so lost in my life, never so hurt, never so helpless. Who was I? Where was I? What day of the week is it? I had great friends who would fill in the blanks for me. They carpooled me to school, reminded me of people’s names that I had known for months. All the while, I struggled trying to piece together my broken world. Nothing seemed stable or secure to me anymore. I still had to drive for the first time after the accident! Was I ever going to be able to finish college?! I hurt all the time! Finally, 4 months after the accident I was driving home from Salt Lake and sobbing. I couldn’t do it anymore. I wanted it to be over. I prayed, I prayed the entire 40 mile drive. I prayed that I would have strength and comfort and I prayed that Heavenly Father would take over for me at this time, I gave myself over to Him.

Three and a half years later, I have learned to live with the back pain and the shortcomings of my memory. I have trouble sleeping and remembering details, but I remember. I have now graduated college and work in Higher Education, advising other students.

I had found out that I had been hit by a woman who dropped her phone while driving. She had bent over to pick it up and ran the red light, hitting me head on. She wasn’t injured thankfully. I don’t know this women’s name anymore, I have never heard from her either. But I hope that today, she thinks again before she picks up her phone to call someone or text someone while she is driving.

I lived! I am alive! Please help keep others alive by not being a distracted driver.


Teandra said...

That is crazy!! I had no idea that happened to you. Thanks for sharing.

Kiri said...

The Lord is amazing. It is such a blessing to have someone watching over us always. I'm so grateful we're safe in His Keeping! I'm glad this experience brought you closer to our Savior :)

melissa said...

danielle marble-i honestly had no idea about this!! i can't believe no one told me! what a miracle you are! you have an incredible reason to live, and i really am grateful you had the courage to share your story, it's absolutely amazing, and i'm grateful for your example.
thanks for giving me a different perspective today, it really changed my entire mood.

Kristin Morris said...

Very inspiring story... but about my table: first I sanded it and primed it. Then painted about three coats of red paint to get the right shade (just normal paint). Then I used this super cool black antiquing glaze made by Ralph Lauren and just went nuts with it. Ralph Lauren has the best line of paint products with the coolest finishes and glazes for faux painting and antiquing, etc. But I heard they are discontinuing their entire line :( so if you have anything you wanna paint- you should look at their stuff soon!